Sunday, December 5, 2010

Lorenz Curve
The Lorenz Curve is a graph that shows distribution of wealth. This graph shows distribution of GDP and IP addresses across the world population.

Correlation Matrix correlation matrix shows a correlation between many variables. This graph shows the relationship between stock products.

Index Value Plot index value plot is a visualization map that is plotted on a line graph. This graph shows a company's financial index year by year.

Scatterplot is a scatterplot that uses velocity and stopping distance as variables. This scatterplot shows the initiation of braking points.

Star Plot 
This star plot shows the numbers of farms of different types in different regions of England. There are many cattle and sheep farms in the South-West, whereas cereal farms predominate in the East.

Climograph climograph plots monthly average temperature and precipitation for some location. This graph shows temperatures and precipitation for Manaus, Brazil.

Windrose plot shows how wind speed and direction are typically distributed at a particular location. This windrose plot is of the LaGuardia airport in New York, NY.